The countdown for leaving Ulm has begun :( but the countdown to China has started. I finished my second lecture this week about the Olympics. I think I'm going to split the class into 5 Greek states and we're going to hold our own classroom Olympic events like hum identifying, Pictionary, and random fun stuff. And I ironed out my activity of playing Mafia one day too. So now I just need to finish my last lecture, but I have about 3 weeks to finish that. The topic has to be a controversial issue, but not too controversial because it needs to be censored enough for a Chinese classroom. Flo had the idea of presenting something about the
Great Firewall of China. I just found a pretty
cool website to test if domains are accessible in China. So now the plan is leave Ulm on Monday night, arrive in Dubai for a few hours before hopping on another plane to Beijing and arrive in China very early Wednesday morning.
The other night, Flo, Jonas and I went to the Mexican restaurant for drinks next door to Flo's apartment. It was a change from drinking wine every night to drinking wine and cocktails.
Flo and I just got back from mini-golfing in the park. The game looked pretty good for me at half time, I had a hole-in-one and Flo had a 7...but that all changed in the 2nd half. A few sneaky 7's and I lost the lead. Flo got a hole-in-one and I kept getting 7 after 7 after 7. But the last hole, was a hole-in-one again and I lost by 8 points. Now I owe Flo an ice cream and a beer.

this is how we mini-golf.
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